Traditional Chiropractic Vs Corrective Chiropractic
Traditional Chiropractic care typically concentrates on increasing range of motion, decreasing muscle spasm, and relieving pain. Traditional chiropractors can be excellent at doing this and removing your symptoms. At Up North Wellness Center- Land O' Lakes, WI our approach is different and focuses on Structural Corrective Chiropractic. We analyze specific structural radiographs and thermographic scans to identify any Structural Shifts of the spine. Reversing structural abnormalities gets to the root cause of many underlying conditions. Think of your spine like the foundation of a building. The rest of the building cannot be stable if it’s not sitting on a strong foundation.
Structural Corrective Chiropractic helps restore the internal framework that serves as the foundation to your body. Most of our patients appreciate the fact we can show them a before and after picture of their spine to see the progress. Many were tired of patching things up only to have them return a few months later. If your house were on an unsteady foundation would you want to continually patch up the drywall, fix the windows, and continue to nail down the creaky floors every time they appeared? Or would you like to fix the foundation? Our care is for people who are not looking for a patch, but instead looking for a customized, long term solution where they can not only feel the difference, but see it with their own eyes.
Structural Corrective Chiropractic helps restore the internal framework that serves as the foundation to your body. Most of our patients appreciate the fact we can show them a before and after picture of their spine to see the progress. Many were tired of patching things up only to have them return a few months later. If your house were on an unsteady foundation would you want to continually patch up the drywall, fix the windows, and continue to nail down the creaky floors every time they appeared? Or would you like to fix the foundation? Our care is for people who are not looking for a patch, but instead looking for a customized, long term solution where they can not only feel the difference, but see it with their own eyes.
LAying the foundation for total health
Corrective chiropractic care addresses many common reasons why people experience pain and other health issues. If something is not right with your body's foundation, than that needs to be addressed before true health can be achieved. With chiropractic care, your body has to go through a particular plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully. There are three general phases of chiropractic care . . .
Phase 1: Relief Care
If you are in pain when you come into our Land O' Lakes chiropractic office, our first objective is to help you reduce pain and start feeling better as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the underlying condition which is causing your pain, it is typical for a patient to need chiropractic care or adjustments 1-2 times per week for 2-12 weeks depending on the severity.
Phase 2: Corrective/Restorative Care
During the corrective phase of chiropractic care, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, which helps prevent further injury or pain. The goal of corrective or restorative chiropractic care is to help bring your body back to 100% functioning. It is typical to need chiropractic care or adjustments about 2-6 times per month for 3-12 months, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem. During this time, Dr. Doug will give you specific stretches and exercises to do at home to specifically address whatever imbalances you have going on in your spine/ shoulders/ hips, etc.
Normal structure of the spine is to be perfectly straight from the front with level hips and to have three perfect curves from the side. People should have a nice "C" shaped curve in the neck as well as low back. When the nervous system (vertebrae) have normal structure this means that all the muscles and nerves as well as different systems of the body are functioning optimally and people experience far less pain.
Phase 3: Wellness Care
Once your body has fully healed and you are no longer experiencing back pain or other pain symptoms, it is important to come in for periodic chiropractic adjustments to avoid further problems in the future by maintaining proper spinal joint motion. Usually, this phase of chiropractic care only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor 1-2 times per month or even every other month, based on your lifestyle and goals.
Phase 1: Relief Care
If you are in pain when you come into our Land O' Lakes chiropractic office, our first objective is to help you reduce pain and start feeling better as soon as possible. Depending on the severity of the underlying condition which is causing your pain, it is typical for a patient to need chiropractic care or adjustments 1-2 times per week for 2-12 weeks depending on the severity.
Phase 2: Corrective/Restorative Care
During the corrective phase of chiropractic care, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, which helps prevent further injury or pain. The goal of corrective or restorative chiropractic care is to help bring your body back to 100% functioning. It is typical to need chiropractic care or adjustments about 2-6 times per month for 3-12 months, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem. During this time, Dr. Doug will give you specific stretches and exercises to do at home to specifically address whatever imbalances you have going on in your spine/ shoulders/ hips, etc.
Normal structure of the spine is to be perfectly straight from the front with level hips and to have three perfect curves from the side. People should have a nice "C" shaped curve in the neck as well as low back. When the nervous system (vertebrae) have normal structure this means that all the muscles and nerves as well as different systems of the body are functioning optimally and people experience far less pain.
Phase 3: Wellness Care
Once your body has fully healed and you are no longer experiencing back pain or other pain symptoms, it is important to come in for periodic chiropractic adjustments to avoid further problems in the future by maintaining proper spinal joint motion. Usually, this phase of chiropractic care only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor 1-2 times per month or even every other month, based on your lifestyle and goals.
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